2018 Inductees

The following individuals were inducted into the Australian Media Hall of Fame at the 16 November Melbourne dinner.  
Joe Alexander Bert Lillye
Charles Bean Douglas Lockwood
Dulcie Boling Hugh Lunn
Jim Bowditch Catherine Martin
Ted Bray Ray Martin
David Brill Ken May
Charmian Clift Keith McDonald
Bob Cronin Maxine McKew
James Cruthers Bill Mitchell
Gay Davidson Paul Murray
Neil Davis John Newfong
Geraldine Doogue Pat Oliphant
Shirley Stott Despoja Andrew Olle
John B.Fairfax Steve Pennells
Ian Fitchett Alan Reid
Peter Game Paul Rigby
Michael Gordon Gerard Ryle
Max Harris Howard Sattler
Derryn Hinch John Silvester
Les Hinton Trevor Sykes
Adelie Hurley Hedley Thomas
Ken Inglis Jack Waterford
George Johnston Don Whitington
Tony Koch Marian Wilkinson


To see all inductees into the Hall of Fame, including early national figures, visit the Inductees page.